Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors, Class 4991

FCIA's Accreditation Committee worked with FM Approvals to develop FM 4991 in 1999 and 2000. FM 4991, Standard for Approval of Firestop Contractors, is a quality installation protocol for firestop systems installation. FM 4991 is the quality standard from which Specialty Firestop Contractors can be qualified for zero tolerance Firestop Systems installation.

FM 4991 and the ASTM E 2174 & ASTM E 2393 Standards for the Inspection of Firestop Systems, are complimentary programs. A contractor who has invested in FM 4991, inspected by a Consultant to the ASTM Standards, means quality contractors, with a project inspection to validate the installation quality process is working.
FM 4991 was the first program of its type to be accepted nationwide by architects and engineers through programs like MasterSpec, SpecLink and other master specifications at leading architectural firms specifying projects worldwide.
To become approved, the contractor firm appoints a Designated Responsible Individual (DRI). To become a DRI the person must past a rigorous industry exam to become the key person in the firm to monitor the firestopping quality managment process. The person does not officially become a DRI until the company receives FM 4991 Approval.
Once a DRI is in place, the contractor firm then authorizes and pays FM Approvals to audit the contracting firm's procedures as listed in their Quality Manual to confirm that the firm's processes meet their own quality manual statements for Firestop Systems instllation. A field audit of a jobsite may also be part of the process, with a destructive test , performed to verify the management process works in the field.
The FM 4991 Contractor Approval Program focuses on the company, and not the individual. A DRI is not a DRI unless employed by an FM 4991 Approved company.
FM 4991 Approval is only given once the company has successfully completed Intial Facility and Prodedure Audit Process, and employs an individual who has passed the FM 4991 DRI Exam.
Follow up Audits are performed by FM Approvals yearly by FM Personnel. DRI's must retest and provide verification of CEU eligible Education sessions attended every three years. Testing and CEU's occurs at FCIA Conferences.
The FCIA Firestop Contractor Members donated time and energy to develop and continue to maintain this program. The Quality Management System Program is a new trend in the Construction Industry ...... a Quality Process Protocol program for Specialty Firestop Contractors... that can be specified quantitatively to qualify a contractor for better Fire and Life safety in buildings.
Press Coverage
Passive Fire Protection, 10/03
CSI Article, 7/03
Passive firestopping, 4/03
BSD Fall Newsletter
CSI Letter, 8/9/02
Daily Commercial News 7/02
CSI's Magazine Feb, 2001
Press Release Jan 31, 2001 |